Wednesday, August 6, 2014

David Goes to Schoool

David goes to school unit

I used this David Goes to School unit last year and the kids really loved it!!  They really internalized the classroom rules quickly. My kiddos were so into the book that it was so easy for them to make personal connections to the text.  By the time we created our classroom rules chart, all my students had really internalized the rules. It made the classroom run smoothly and in turn, I was able to get into teaching sooner.

Day 1
I started off by just reading the book for pure enjoyment! I did stop on page 27 and asked the kids to predict what David was going to do now that he had to stay after school.

Freebie Below
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        David Goes to School Prediction Worksheet

Day 2 & 3
 I read the book but stopped on every page and asked key questions to promote self to text connections. Some examples :

Pg. 11

Look at the little girl’s face. Does she look happy or sad? Have you ever raised your hand patiently to share an idea and someone else yelled out the answer? What would happen if everybody raised their hand to speak?


Have you ever had someone that kept bothering you with their hands? What about rug time, why should we keep our hands to ourselves then? Is pushing keeping your hands to yourself?

On day 4
We created a circle map of David which promoted the positive behavior for each of David's "wrong doings". I created a picture card for each positive behavior.  I  used  these cards to create the circle map. I wrote with the kiddos a key word for each picture card. I made it a point to go over each picture card in a complete sentence as we placed it on the circle map. By the end of the lesson my circle map looked like this:

David Goes to school, David Goes to school circle map. David goes to school behavior management, David goes to school lesson

Day 5
I did a writing activity:  "What would you tell David". We  used the circle map for support. I teach kindergarten so it was more of a dictation. We went over the whole circle map by chorally saying a complete sentence for each picture card. Then the kiddos went off to make a David craftivity. As they were making their David, I went around writing each students dictation. I found that most were able to tell me a sentence without using the circle map. I did have 2 or 3 students that referred to the circle map to come up with their sentence. 
The following is first grade example.

David Goes to school craft,David Goes to school, David Goes to school circle map. David goes to school behavior management, David goes to school lesson

Day 6
We were ready to create our classroom rules chart!! I chose ahead of time the rules that I felt were important for my class. I didn't want to dismantle my circle map because I made a bulletin board out of it. So I just printed extra picture cards of those rules that I wanted for my classroom rules chart. This is how it looked by the end of the lesson:

If you liked what you saw, you may purchase this unit at my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  It comes with 6 scripted lessons and EVERYTHING you need to conduct the lessons. Thanks for visiting and happy teaching!!!

David goes to school unit

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